Salt Lake City Podiatrists: Understanding Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that can significantly impact foot health. This makes foot care management essential for any person with diabetes. Fortunately, some podiatrists specialize in caring for individuals with diabetes. These specialists use specific procedures to prevent complications and effectively manage foot problems associated with this condition. 

Podiatrists commonly follow specific steps when caring for the foot of a diabetic person. Even better, they also offer some advice that helps lessen foot complications.

Primarily, this article will discuss what diabetic foot care is all about. It will also explore the procedures that a foot doctor in Salt Lake City takes in treating the feet of diabetic patients.

Understanding Diabetic Foot Care and Proactive Steps to Take

Diabetes can lead to nerve damage (neuropathy) and reduced blood circulation, particularly in the feet. These complications increase the risk of foot problems, including infections and ulcers. In severe cases, neuropathy can lead to amputation.

Adopting proactive measures to care for the feet is essential for individuals with diabetes. Some of the bold steps to take to maintain optimal foot health and prevent serious complications are:

#1. Daily Foot Inspection

Dealing with diabetes requires performing a daily inspection of the feet. This involves thoroughly examining the feet for any cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or signs of infection. Since diabetes can cause nerve damage, inspecting the feet daily helps detect potential issues early. And earlier detection makes it easier to treat potential leg issues.

#2. Regular Cleaning and Moisturizing

Clean the feet daily using mild soap and lukewarm water. Moreover, it’s crucial to dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Proper drying prevents moisture buildup that can lead to fungal infections. 

Furthermore, apply moisturizer to prevent dryness and cracking of the skin. However, avoid using it between the toes.

#3. Trimming Nails Properly

Cut toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails. Avoid cutting them too short or rounding the edges. If there are difficulties trimming nails properly, you can seek assistance from a podiatrist.

#4. Protective Footwear

Wear well-fitted, comfortable shoes to protect the feet from injuries and pressure points. Shoes should have ample space and provide support without causing friction or rubbing against the feet.

#5. Avoiding Barefoot Walking

Refrain from walking barefoot, even at home, to reduce the risk of injuries, cuts, or punctures. This is because injuries may go unnoticed due to decreased foot sensation.

#6. Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Properly managing blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Additionally, taking the medication prescribed by healthcare providers helps prevent nerve damage. This goes a long way in reducing complications that can affect the feet.

#7. Regular Professional Foot Examinations

It’s important to schedule regular check-ups with a podiatrist in Salt Lake City. These regular examinations help assess foot health and detect early signs of problems. Additionally, regular check-ups provide the opportunity to receive guidance on proper foot care practices.

Steps in Treating Foot Problems

When foot problems arise, it’s essential to promptly book an appointment with a foot doctor in Salt Lake City.

Sometimes, a podiatrist may collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive foot care. This includes primary care physicians, endocrinologists, and vascular specialists. 

Primarily, the steps that a foot doctor in Salt Lake City typically takes in treating diabetic foot problems are:

#1. Comprehensive Evaluation

A podiatrist thoroughly examines the feet, assessing for any wounds or infections. They’ll also check for signs of poor circulation or neuropathy. This evaluation helps determine the appropriate course of treatment.

#2. Wound Care

For foot ulcers or wounds, meticulous wound care is essential. This may involve cleaning the wound and removing dead tissue (debridement). It also involves applying dressings or medications to facilitate healing.

#3. Infection Management

If an infection is present, the foot doctor may prescribe antibiotics. In addition, they may recommend appropriate interventions to manage the disease effectively.

#4. Offloading and Pressure Relief

A podiatrist in Salt Lake City may try to relieve pressure from ulcers or sensitive areas. This helps to promote healing and prevent further injury. Some things used in offloading pressure include specialized footwear, pads, or orthotic devices.

#5. Vascular Assessment

A podiatrist may collaborate with vascular specialists in cases of reduced blood circulation. This enables the assessment and management of blood flow to the feet, reducing the risk of complications.

#6. Patient Education

Podiatrists educate patients on proper foot care techniques, wound management, and self-examination. They also provide vital information on preventive measures to minimize the risk of future foot problems.


Proper management of diabetic foot issues requires regular visits to a podiatrist in Salt Lake City. Following their guidance is key to preventing complications. With the right aid and information, it is possible to enjoy excellent foot health even while being diabetic.